Friday, January 21, 2005

Hey its the end of the week

Yipee! It's Friday and I'm glad to see the end of this week. Its been a tough week at work. We are due to deliver a big piece of software for testing in the next couple of weeks and people are running around trying to get things sorted.
Of course I have to make time for my running so I took an extended lunchbreak and knocked off another 8 miles in a steady run. I can't be sure what my pace was as my Garmin ran out of battery power half-way round Hate It When That Happens, but it was certainly a lot quicker than what is required for the marathon. Hmm either I going to run a very good marathon or I'm going to blow up. I suspect its the latter so I need to trim down that speed.
Despite my long lunchbreak I had still managed to do my hours by 3:30 so nipped off to get my hair cut. I had an interesting discussion with my barber about Paula Radcliffes head-bobbing running style and that of the Chinese runner how looks as if someone has superglued her arms to her sides. Anyway time for bed - I've got 15+ miles to run in the morning.


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