Sunday, December 12, 2004

Curry night

I was out last night with some of the "lads" for a curry. Of course when you are out on one of these occasions you have to have a beer or 2. I'll admit I'm getting old and I was back home, feeling stuffed and falling asleep on the sofa by 11.

This is all very nice until you remember that I had to run in the morning, before taking the biggest kid to rugby. I don't know what was worse that blotted feeling from th curry or the biting wind at 8 o'clock in the morning. Either way I decided to get this run over and done with quickly. This turned out to be a good idea as my digestive system had decided it had enough of the curry and wanted to get rid of it sooner rather than later. Not wanting to get caught short certainly speeds the end of a run up!

So the moral of the story: Don't have a curry the night before a run!

Anyway looking back at the week I managed to cover 37 miles, not bad with only 5 runs. My target for next week is to break the 40 mile mark.


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