Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Longer and Quicker

Today was my weekly Tempo or Threshold Run, where I'm supposed to run at a pace which is hard work but not exhausting. I also see these runs as character building because when you are operating at the upper levels of your endurance the temptation to slow down is extreme. That's why running these things on a treadmill or with training partner are good.

Today's run was on the treadmill. It started off nice and easy with gentle jogging to warm up for a mile with gentle increases in both elevation and speed. Then it was 3 miles @7:30 min/miles. This was hard work but I managed to find ways of over coming it. To keep my mind off the effort I started working out how long I had to go in seconds as the distance clicked up.

Since the run I've been worrying that I'm too slow, but I've just checked one of the training plans I'm thinking about following and I'm not that far off the pace and I still have more than 25 weeks to go. Maybe there is hope for me yet.


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