Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Lay off the sweets

When I arrived at work today there was a large tin of "Heros" perked on the filing cabinet at the end of my row of desks with a note saying help yourself. I've got a sweet tooth and very soon lost count of the number of times I had dipped my hand into the tin before lunchtime. I thought nothing more of it when I went for my lunchtime run.
Today was another one of those simple straight forward plods that are recovery runs, or it was supposed to be a straight forward plod. Just under Half way round I suddenly lacked all energy and if anything felt a little faint. This can be warning sign of a major problem so I double checked my HRM and it said I was only down at 140 so no cardiovascular problems. It was then that I remembered the chocolates I had been eating. Those fatty, refined sugar laden sweets! I must have thrown my blood sugars well out of balance and was paying for it big time. I managed to struggle round the rest of my run but it wasn't a pleasant experience. So the moral of the story is "Lay off the sweets before you go running!"


At 11:06 am, Blogger Evil Pixie said...

How though!?!
See people don't think - they assume at Christmas everyone wants to eat loads and especially chocs. Now I have the same problem.... once they are there and open I'm in that box/tin!! but if they weren't there it wouldn't be a problem now would it!
maybe we should try to start a tradition of Christmas grapes!
PS: had 4 drinks today! (cunningly ignores crips she's eaten)


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