Monday, December 13, 2004

Progression Run

Today was one of tougher days in my marathon training. Although I had a day off work to do some Christmas shopping I still had a run to fit and I had to fit it in early so now long lie in for me this morning. Instead it was out the door and into the dark and cold for an 8 miler at 6:30 in the morning. I was out at this time last week but that was for a "cruise" into work. Today was a faster paced run with a time and purpose in mind.
I was reading an article on a running coach's website a couple of days ago about what he called progression runs. In these you do your normal pace until the last part where you pick up the speed. This is to simulate the end of race and help with your stamina and strength. I've heard of these being called by other names. I used today's run as an experiment in this type of training run.
I ran the first 5 miles at a steady but not brisk pace and then picked the pace up until in the last mile I was nearing 10K pace. My impression of the run was good, felt I had achieved something but had not totally exhausted myself in doing it. I was rewarded with an encouraging average of 7:52 min/mile. I'll probably give this another go in a week or so


At 2:41 pm, Blogger Evil Pixie said...

Sounds like the training is going well - wish I was as fast!
I'm just going for steady runs with slightly less steady speed work!


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