Monday, November 01, 2004

Sorta Long

I've decided that I'm going to follow Hal Higdon's Advance 1 Marathon Schedule for my training schedule. He's highly recommended on the Runners World Forums. As part of his training plan he has what is called a "Sorta long" run. This isn't as long as the long run but its not as slow as it either. Today has sorta long day.

I tried a new route out from work and took a friend with me. He's an ex-800 metre runner and I was a bit worried that he'd blast off and leave me in his wake. We trotted off around the industrial estates and woods that surround our office. 5 comfortable miles later we arrive back at the office. Well when I say comfortable miles I mean comfortable for me, my running partner looked as if he wanted to expire. Although the pace wasn't quite as quick as I would have liked, about 23 sec/mile off marathon pace, I can't complain it was nice just out running with someone.


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