Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"Your definitely losing weight"

Blogger seemed to be acting up yesterday so I've got 2 runs to report on. Yesterday's was a comfortable 5 miler at lunchtime, though I very nearly didn't make it. My boss asked me what I was doing at 1 o'clock and I said "Running, why?" "I'd like you to do an interview he said" OK I can go out for my run at 11:30 no problem. Then he says "lets meet at 12:45 to discuss" OK I have to go out at 11:15, what was the time 11:10 oh beep! I'm glad to say I managed to fit my run in and be back in time to do the interview.

Today's run was the sort 3 mile recovery effort. As I was working at home this morning I threw myself out of the door early to get it over and done with before I started reading my e-mails. I ran the same route as I did on Sunday night, but it was amazing how much more confident my running was with it being light. My heartrate was only a couple of beats quicker but I managed to get round 2 minutes quicker.

When I got back my spirits were lifted further by the wife saying "Your definitely losing weight". Apparently the bulging stomach isn't quite so bulging and the shoulders are better defined - whatever that's supposed to mean!


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