Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Laying ghosts to rest.

I was a good boy this morning I valiantly resisted the temptation to stick my hand into the tin of chocolates first thing this morning. I kept on reciting to myself "Intervals at Lunchtime". I was saved by the arrival of the work colleague that had kindly brought them in. He took what was left of the tin to a meeting where they were finished off. Phew - it was tough but it had to be done. So it was off to the gym at lunchtime with my freshly polished halo glowing.
I hadn't been looking forward to today's session I had made my mind up that it would be 3*1.5 miles at around 10K pace. This has been my bogey session since I tried it a couple of years ago and blew up and was unable to finish the session. If I'm going to get through this marathon training I need to put this ghost to rest. There is something about an interval that when I start I never feel as if I'll be able to hold out to the end of the session. Today was no different but I just got on with it and was surprised at how quickly the first half mile came and went. Once the 3/4 mile mark came I knew I was half-way there and would hold on till the end of the interval. I was surprised with myself at the end of the first one at how well I felt. No2 Interval came and went the same way however I was sweating buckets. It was No 3 I was dreading. This is were it started getting difficult especially in the last 1/2 mile, but I hung on in.
By the time I had finished my warm-down I had covered 7.5 miles in 1 hr and 40 seconds. I think I can lay the ghost to rest now.

Oh just to annoy the others in the office that are trying to watch their weight, when I got back to my desk I pulled out a large tin of Cadburys Roses and left them on top of the filing cabinet. I felt I had earned a couple.


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