Monday, February 07, 2005

The hills are alive...

To the sound of me about to expireDramatic Death

What : 10 * 50 secs Hill repeats
Distance : 6.8 miles
Time : 58:53

This was tough. After my last hill session I thought the hill wasn't steep enough, so I found a steeper one much steeperMountain 2
This was a mistake although its only for 50 secs it was a hard 50 seconds. After the first repeat I thought OK breathing is bit hard but I can handle this, but by the time number 8 came round I was looking for an oxygen cylinder, number 9 felt like I was better of dying right there and at the end of 10 I leaned on a fence wondering if I was about to see my midmorning bananas again. I was actually wondering if I would be able to make it back. After a couple of minutes of me holding up the fence I felt OK enough to set off back to the office. Needless to say my time wasn't superfast but that's the hardest session of the week over and done with.


At 10:26 pm, Blogger RobW said...


{Robert sits in a corner wearing a pair of underpants on his head and a pencil stuck up each nostril}


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