Friday, February 04, 2005

What's the difference between Porridge and Ready Brek?

What : Sorta Slow Run
Time : 1:24:38
Distance : 10.2
Where : Home to Work

Work diary was a bit busy today with interviews for new staff and running tomorrow is out as its the Mrs's birthday so I ran into work this morning. This isn't the easiest of things as it takes at least 2 days of planning to make sure I have all my things in my locker the day before, nothing worse than getting in to find you have no trousers.

Somehow I've managed to turn the HRM alarm on so that it bleeps when you are outside of the set-limits. Not too big of a deal just keep within the limits problem was it started bleeping at me after 100 metres! I sometimes get erratic readings when I first start off so decided to ignore it but this kept on going despite me slowing right down. Finally by mile 2 I had to stop and find out what was wrong - Really simple Homer Simpson like answer. In my haste to get out of the door I had managed to set the upper limit at 120 when it should have been the lower limit. Doh!

Anyway enough of running - onto the title of this post. The other day on the sub 3:30 thread of Runners world I innocently asked what the difference between Porridge and Ready Brek was ( we were discussing pre-run breakfasts at the time ). Trouble is everyone was expecting a joke and was disappointed there was no punchline - so if anyone has a punchline let me know!


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