Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sussex Hills and weekly recap

What : Easy (Supposedly!)
Distance : 5.3
Time : 48:21

Stayed in a Country Hotel last night for Mrs W's 40th Birthday. Had a very nice meal and a couple of bottles of wine. Faced with a dilemma in the morning - do I go to the pool and sauna or do I go for an easy run. Being a dedicated marathon runner in training I opt for the run, Mrs W decides on the pool.

I had been eyeing up the road the Hotel was on as it seemed very quiet and country-like so I decided on an out and back run 2.5 miles out turn round and come back. Very good plan so off I went. Nice and easy I said to myself "The roads going up? oh thats all right it won't be for long" WRONG it kept on going up and up and up, some easy run! After about 25 minutes of this I decide enough is enough and turn round and come back. Shall we say the return trip was somewhat easier. Morale of the story - check the OS map for contour lines before you set off!

Mrs W didn't have much better luck. It seems that in the time I was out there was a "fire incident" at the hotel complete with attendance by the local fire brigade. Of course Mrs W had gone for a swim and had to leave the pool in a hurry and stand outside in her swimming costume brrrr. Fortunately for her she was given a towel and one of these space blankets to keep warm. I think I got the better deal at least I was warm.

Moving on to the weekly recap. My easy week has come to an end and it was by recent standards easy. I now have 2 hard weeks and the Bramley 20 before my next one. Even with losing a days running I have still managed a respectable 33 miles, next week is planned as 51 miles. They say February is the hardest month in London Marathon training.

Total for the week33
Parrot Predictor3:29:40
Total for the month33
Total for the year237
Total Marathon Training630


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