Monday, March 21, 2005

Enforced Rest

I was in a bad way this morning. Everytime I went to turn over in bed I woke up with the pain from my hip. Things got worse as I went down the stairs to make MrsW cup of tea and my right calf went into spasm and left that horrible is that pulled muscle or not feeling. Luckily this cleared up after a couple of hours.

With the hip problem all hope of a run today had disappeared to be replaced by the nasty feeling that my hip may not clear up sufficiently for me to run a good FLM!!
Nervous 2

Ok time to take action!

I inquired about going to see the physio but it seems that the company health insurance scheme has changed it rules. I now need a doctors letter and a claim form before I can have treatment - so that will take a week on its own. I then roamed around the internet to see if I could work out what was wrong with my hip. It seems that I may have problems with my piriformis muscle. The sports massuer did comment that it was quite tight last week.

Alright I know what it is now how do I stretch it?

Came across Dr Backmans Website which had a couple of interesting stretches for it and a few other things as well. Went and practised them at lunchtime and the sitting stretch at my desk most of the afternoon. The good news is that the hip seems to be easing off quite quickly. I'll see how I feel in the morning but I may just be able to try a gentle recovery run tomorrow. There will however be lots of stretching to be done.


At 2:02 pm, Blogger Evil Pixie said...

Robert - when I spoke to BUPA I expressed my concern and need for urgent attention as I was doing FLM and they were happy to give me the go ahead by me quoting the name of my GP that I saw. They said as long as it was on my records that I had seen him that was fine
call them and pester - better try than be injured


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